Available services
These services are already defined and implemented in the Caplin Libraries.
Click on a service name to see details further down this page, or click on the API links to go directly to the full API reference document for that service.
BladeRunner Services
alias | interface | Description |
Used to retrieve HTML templates for the app. |
Used to retrieve XML documents for the app. |
Caplin Trader Services
The following services are not available in BladeRunner by default, but are provided with Caplin Trader.
Click on a service name to see details further down this page, or click on the API links to go directly to the full API reference document for that service.
alias | Name | Description |
Retrieves FX business date information. |
Lists FX currency pairs valid for the current user. |
Lists FX tenors viewable by the current user. |
Provides access to the user’s layouts. |
Connects the app to a data streaming service. |
Accesses asynchronous messaging services. |
Manages storage of user preferences. |
Provides the login name of the current user. |
Provides permission sets for the logged in user. |
Manages activities of users who can trade on behalf of other users. |
Provides higher level permissioning information that can be used throughout the application. |
Provides an API for sending trade messages to the underlying trading system. |
Assists trade creation via factories registered with the trade service. |
Provides information specific to this app instance. |
Manages the display of prompts to users. |
Used to cache and retrieve app log messages. |
BladeRunner Services Detail
Provided Implementations refers only to implementations provided with BladeRunner as standard. Implementations that are provided as part of Caplin Trader are not mentioned in this section. |
API Reference: caplin.services.HtmlResourceService
Provided Implementations: caplin.services.providers.CaplinHtmlResourceService
Description: Provides a means for retrieving HTML templates to be used in the application. Presenter uses this service internally to provide HTML resources for presentation models, but it’s possible to use this service for other uses.
API Reference: caplin.services.XmlResourceService
Provided implementations: caplin.services.providers.CaplinXmlResourceService
Description: Provides a means for retrieving XML documents to be used in the application. This includes grid definitions, Renderer definitions and state machine XML
Caplin Trader Services Detail
API Reference: caplin.fx.services.BusinessDateService
Description: A service that retrieves FX business date information, e.g. settlements dates for tenors, valid calendar trading dates, etc… It includes various listeners to capture changes to different date types, and supports asynchronous calls for business dates if needed.
API Reference: caplin.fx.services.CurrencyPairService
Description: Provides a list of Foreign Exchange currency pairs that the current logged in user is entitled to view.
API Reference: caplin.layout.LayoutService
Provided implementations: caplin.webcentric.layout.WebcentricLayoutService
Description: Provides access to the user’s layouts.
API Reference: caplin.fx.services.TenorService
Description: Provides a list of Foreign Exchange tenors that the current logged in user is entitled to view.
API Reference: caplin.services.ConnectionService
Provided implementations: caplin.caplin.sljsadapter.providers.StreamLinkConnectionService
Description: Provides information about the status of a connection to a streaming server
API Reference: caplin.services.messaging.MessageService
Provided implementations: caplin.caplin.sljsadapter.providers.StreamLinkMessageService
Description: Provides access to publish/subscriber asynchronous messaging services, usually coupled with the ConnectionService
This has been changed from caplin.services.MessageService .
API Reference: caplin.services.PreferencesService
Description: A service that manages saving and retrieving of a user’s preferences.
API Reference: caplin.services.UserService
Provided implementations: caplin.caplin.sljsadapter.providers.StreamLinkUserService
Description: A service that provides the login name of the user that is currently logged in.
API Reference: services.security.PermissionService
Description: Provides a set of permissions and entitlements for the logged in user.
API Reference: caplin.trading.service.TOBOUserService
Description: A service designed for managing the activities of a client user who is permissioned to trade on behalf of other (TOBO) users.
API Reference: caplin.trading.service.TradePermissionService
Implements: caplin.services.security.PermissionService
Description: Provides high level trade permissioning information that can be used in trading applications that require tickets and tiles.
API Reference: caplin.trading.trademodel.TradeMessageService
Description: Provides an API for sending trade messages to the underlying trading system.
API Reference: caplin.trading.trademodel.TradeService
Description: Provides an entry point for trade creation via delegation to factories registered with the trade service.
API Reference: caplin.services.ConfigService
Provided implementations: caplin.services.providers.CaplinConfigService
Description: Provides information specific to this application instance. Examples of this information are lists of available locales, application versions, URLs for web services etc.
API Reference:caplin.services.UserPromptService
Description: A service that manages how prompts are displayed to the user.
API Reference:caplin.core.log.LogStoreService
Description: A service that caches application log messages, and can be used to retrieve them at an arbitrary point in time.
The aliases listed are correct for version 3.10.0 and later. If you are using an older version, use the previous aliases below. caplin.config-service was previously br.config-service. caplin.user-prompt-service was previously br.user-prompt-service. caplin.log-store-service was previously br.log-store-service. |