Internationalising your app
In this tutorial we will go through a worked example of how to set up internationalisation for your App
Before starting this tutorial you should create a new app with a bladeset and a single blade
Set up Supported Locales
Have a look in $APP_ROOT/app.conf
. It defines the locales that your app will support
appNamespace: <namespace>
locales: en, de, es
Include the Internationalisation Bundler
Include the Internationalisation Bundler in your app and workbench, by adding the i18n.bundle
line into your index.html file.
<@css.bundle theme="standard"@/>
Internationalising HTML
We will be using the workbench generated inside a newly created blade for this example. This is what it looks like before we make changes.
Let’s add a new element inside our HTML, which will be automatically internationalised. Internationalisation markup in BladeRunner takes the form of: @{<token>}
. It’s best to namespace your token so that other blades don’t overwrite each other’s tokens
<div id="test.blades.mytestblade.view-template">
<div class="hello-world-message" data-bind="text:message"></div>
<button class="button" data-bind="click:buttonClicked">Log me</button>
Then define the token translation inside the file: $BLADE_ROOT/resources/i18n/en/
test.blades.mytestbladetitle=Cool Title
Refresh the workbench, and it should look like this
The token replacement works by replacing all i18n tokens in all HTML as it is streamed through the HTML Bundler.
Things that are not loaded by the HTML Bundler do not have their tokens replaced. For example, the app’s index.html file, or anything in the unbundled-resources directory. |
Internationalising JavaScript
Let’s add an internationalised Presenter property to the blade’s presentation model at $BLADE_ROOT/src/myapp/blades/myblade/ExampleClass.js.
test.blades.mytestbladeExampleClass = function()
var sMessage = ct.i18n("test.blades.mytestblade.helloworldmessage" );
this.message = new;
Then add the translation to the i18n resource file.
test.blades.mytestblade.helloworldmessage=Internationalised Hello World!
After a sneaky refresh of the blade workbench, your token should have been replaced, and it should look like this:
Add a New Language
Create a file $BLADE_ROOT/resources/i18n/es/ file, containing:
test.blades.mytestblade.title=Titulo Guay test.blades.mytestblade.helloworldmessage=Hola Mundo Internacionalizado!
Loading the app with a Spanish locale set in the browser, will display like this:
Useful Tips
Missing Translations
If you miss out a translation, then the i18n makes it pretty obvious to you.
I18n at Different Levels
You can internationalise at different levels of your application, by locating property files under the different levels in their resource folders
Aspect: /<appname>/app/aspect/<aspectname>/resources/i18n
BladeSet: /<appname>/app/<bladesetname>/bladeset/resources/i18n
Blade: /<appname>/app/bladeset/blade/<bladesetname>/<bladename>/resources/i18n