

The class has been deprecated and may be removed in future releases.
The CompositeComponentFactory class is a blueprint for a factory that parses the serialized representation of a CompositeComponent and instantiates and returns a corresponding instance.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Constructs a new CompositeComponentFactory.

Field Summary

Attributes Name and Description
<static> caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponentFactory.COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_DEFINITION_ELEMENT_NAME

The name of the application config element that is the base of the composite component definition XML.

<static> caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponentFactory.CONTROLLER_MAP_URL_PROPERTY

The name of the application property that is used to define the location of the now deprecated composite component controller mapping definition XML.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponent generateCompositeComponent(String sXml)

Invoked by the caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponent#createFromSerializedState method, passing on the XML string that is a serialized representation of the CompositeComponent.

Constructor Detail


Constructs a new CompositeComponentFactory.

This is deprecated and will not be supported in the future.

Field Detail

<static> caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponentFactory.COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_DEFINITION_ELEMENT_NAME

The name of the application config element that is the base of the composite component definition XML. This is passed to caplin.service.XmlResourceService#getXmlDocument which retrieves it from the full application config xml object.

<static> caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponentFactory.CONTROLLER_MAP_URL_PROPERTY

The name of the application property that is used to define the location of the now deprecated composite component controller mapping definition XML.

The configuration that used to be defined within the mappings property file, is now a single element of the new composite component definitions file, that replaces it.

Method Detail

caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponent generateCompositeComponent(String sXml)

Invoked by the caplin.component.composite.CompositeComponent#createFromSerializedState method, passing on the XML string that is a serialized representation of the CompositeComponent. The method parses the XML and then invokes the parsing of the resulting XML DOM to produce a CompositeComponent.

String sXml The XML string that is the serialized representation of the compositeComponent.
An instance of the CompositeComponent corresponding to the serialized form.