

DataFieldChangedListeners are notified whenever a data field value is changed in the data source.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

The super constructor of implementors of DataFieldChangedListener.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void dataFieldChanged(String value, String oldValue, Map tradeData, int updateId)

Notifies listener that the data field value has changed.

Constructor Detail

The super constructor of implementors of DataFieldChangedListener.

Method Detail

void dataFieldChanged(String value, String oldValue, Map tradeData, int updateId)

Notifies listener that the data field value has changed.

String value The value that of the field that was changed.
String oldValue The value of the field before the data was changed. This value will be undefined if there was no previous value.
Map tradeData Map of the values changed in this update.
int updateId Identifier that can be used to determine which update batch this notification belongs to.