

Flashes the screen value according to whether the numeric value has gone up or down.

ArrowFlashStyler is typically used in the XML Renderer Framework.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void style(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes, caplin.control.Control oControl)

Flashes the screen value according to whether the numeric value has gone up or down.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void style(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes, caplin.control.Control oControl)

Flashes the screen value according to whether the numeric value has gone up or down.

Attribute Options:

Option Description
duration flash duration, in milliseconds (mandatory)
last-up CSS class set when last value moved up (optional)
last-down CSS class set when last value moved down (optional)
flashing-up CSS class to flash text when the value goes up (optional)
flashing-down CSS class style to flash text when the value goes down (optional)

Variant vValue the control value.
Map mAttributes the map of attributes.
caplin.control.Control oControl the control.