

Applies CSS styles to reflect status states. RemoveButtonStyler is typically used in the XML Renderer Framework.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void style(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes, caplin.control.Control oControl)

Styles the supplied control with stale CSS styles, according to the supplied renderer attributes.

String toString()

Returns a human-readable string representation of the styler, which is useful for debugging.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void style(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes, caplin.control.Control oControl)

Styles the supplied control with stale CSS styles, according to the supplied renderer attributes.

Attribute Options:

Option Description
non-stale-tooltip the model field representing the record status (object status) shows data as not stale
stale-tooltip the model field representing the record status (object status) shows data as stale

Variant vValue the value.
Map mAttributes the map of attributes.
caplin.control.Control oControl the control.

String toString()

Returns a human-readable string representation of the styler, which is useful for debugging.

The string representation