

Interface implemented by classes that wish to listen to property change events.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void onPropertyChanged()

Callback method invoked when the value of a changes.

void onPropertyUpdated()

Callback method invoked when the value of a is updated, even when it hasn't changed.

void onValidationComplete()

Callback method invoked once validation is complete.

void onValidationError(Object vPropertyValue, String sErrorMessage)

Callback method invoked when an attempt to update an results in a validation error.

void onValidationSuccess()

Callback method invoked when an attempt to update an does not result in a validation error.

Constructor Detail

Method Detail

void onPropertyChanged()

Callback method invoked when the value of a changes.

Implementation of this method is optional, and no action will be taken if the method is invoked but has not been overridden.

void onPropertyUpdated()

Callback method invoked when the value of a is updated, even when it hasn't changed.

This event is there to accommodate cases where we want to know about calls to set the value of a property even if the new value being set is the same as the old one.

Implementation of this method is optional, and no action will be taken if the method is invoked but has not been overridden.

void onValidationComplete()

Callback method invoked once validation is complete.

Implementation of this method is optional, and no action will be taken if the method is invoked but has not been overridden.

void onValidationError(Object vPropertyValue, String sErrorMessage)

Callback method invoked when an attempt to update an results in a validation error.

Implementation of this method is optional, and no action will be taken if the method is invoked but has not been overridden.

Object vPropertyValue The value that led to the validation error.
String sErrorMessage The description of the validation error.

void onValidationSuccess()

Callback method invoked when an attempt to update an does not result in a validation error.

Implementation of this method is optional, and no action will be taken if the method is invoked but has not been overridden.