

The PersonalGridDataProvider builds on the caplin.grid.RttpContainerGridDataProvider class, but allows users to define their own RTTP containers from the client-side.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.PersonalGridDataProvider(Object oConfig)

Constructs a new instance of PersonalGridDataProvider.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void addRow(String sSubject)

Add a row to this personal grid.

void removeRow(String sSubject)

Remove a row from this personal grid.

void removeRows(Array pSubjects)

Remove a number of rows from this personal grid.

void setRowData(String sSubject, Map mRowData)

Set data on specified row (Subject) sets the row data in a cache without making a contrib to the liberator

Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridDataProvider:
addDataProviderListener, clearFilterExpression, clearGroupByField, clearSortRule, configureDataProvider, getAllFilterExpressions, getFilterExpression, getGroupByField, getPermissionKey, getSerializedState, getSortRule, getStartIndex, getSubjectIdentifiers, getTransformMode, injectData, pauseUpdates, removeDataProviderListener, requestAllData, resumeUpdates, setFilterExpression, setFilters, setGridView, setGroupByField, setRequiredFields, setRowRange, setSortRule, setTransformMode, supportsFeature, terminateUpdates
Methods implemented from class caplin.component.InstrumentReceiver:
canReceive, canReceiveMultipleObjects, canReceiveObjects, getLastReceiveFailureMessage, getSuccessMessage, receiveObjects
Methods implemented from class caplin.element.RendererEventListener:
Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridDataProviderListener:
onDataReceived, onDataRequested, onDataUnavailable, onRecordAdded, onRecordContentsChanged, onRecordMoved, onRecordRemoved, onSizeChanged, onStartIndexChanged, onStructureChangeComplete

Constructor Detail

caplin.grid.PersonalGridDataProvider(Object oConfig)

Constructs a new instance of PersonalGridDataProvider.

Object oConfig configuration object

Method Detail

void addRow(String sSubject)

Add a row to this personal grid.

String sSubject The RTTP subject name of the instrument to add.

void removeRow(String sSubject)

Remove a row from this personal grid.

String sSubject The RTTP subject name of the instrument to remove.

void removeRows(Array pSubjects)

Remove a number of rows from this personal grid.

Array pSubjects An array of RTTP subject names of the instruments to remove.

void setRowData(String sSubject, Map mRowData)

Set data on specified row (Subject) sets the row data in a cache without making a contrib to the liberator

String sSubject The RTTP subject name
Map mRowData a map of the data to set