

GridColumnModelListener defines an interface for classes that wish to listen to caplin.grid.GridColumnModel events.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void onApplyFilters()

An event method that is called when the filters have been applied on the caplin.grid.GridColumns within the caplin.grid.GridColumnModel.

void onColumnsAdded(Array pGridColumns, int nStartIndex)

An event method that is called when a column has been added to the GridColumnModel.

void onColumnsRemoved(Array pGridColumns, int nStartIndex)

An event method that is called when a column has been removed from to the caplin.grid.GridColumnModel.

void onFiltersChanged(caplin.grid.GridColumn oGridColumn)

An event method that is fired when a GridColumn has had any of its filters changed.

void onRequiredFieldsChanged(Array pFields)

An event method that is called when the fields required by all the caplin.grid.GridColumns within the caplin.grid.GridColumnModel change.

void onSortColumnChanged()

An event method that is fired when the caplin.grid.GridColumn that will be used to sort the grid has changed.

void onWidthChanged(caplin.grid.GridColumn oGridColumn)

An event method that is called when a column's width has been changed.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void onApplyFilters()

An event method that is called when the filters have been applied on the caplin.grid.GridColumns within the caplin.grid.GridColumnModel.


void onColumnsAdded(Array pGridColumns, int nStartIndex)

An event method that is called when a column has been added to the GridColumnModel.

All GridColumn elements in the specified array are added in sequential order starting at the specified index.

Array pGridColumns An array of caplin.grid.GridColumns that were added to the model.
int nStartIndex The start index at which the first column in the specified list was added.

void onColumnsRemoved(Array pGridColumns, int nStartIndex)

An event method that is called when a column has been removed from to the caplin.grid.GridColumnModel.

All GridColumn elements in the specified array are removed in sequential order starting at the specified index.

Array pGridColumns An array of caplin.grid.GridColumns that were removed from the model.
int nStartIndex The start index at which the first column in the specified list was removed.

void onFiltersChanged(caplin.grid.GridColumn oGridColumn)

An event method that is fired when a GridColumn has had any of its filters changed.

caplin.grid.GridColumn oGridColumn The grid column instance where the event occurred.

void onRequiredFieldsChanged(Array pFields)

An event method that is called when the fields required by all the caplin.grid.GridColumns within the caplin.grid.GridColumnModel change.

All caplin.grid.GridColumn elements in the specified array are removed in sequential order starting at the specified index.

Array pFields An array of field names as strings that are required by the caplin.grid.GridColumns within the caplin.grid.GridColumnModel.

void onSortColumnChanged()

An event method that is fired when the caplin.grid.GridColumn that will be used to sort the grid has changed.


void onWidthChanged(caplin.grid.GridColumn oGridColumn)

An event method that is called when a column's width has been changed.

caplin.grid.GridColumn oGridColumn The grid column where the event occurred.