

The class has been deprecated and may be removed in future releases.

The RowLoadingDecorator provides a loading image (e.g. a spinner) in rows that do not yet have data. The image that should be used is passed in as a configuration option 'imagePath'. When the row has received its data, the loading image is removed.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.decorator.RowLoadingDecorator( mDecoratorConfig)

Constructs a caplin.grid.decorator.RowLoadingDecorator instance — end-users will never need to do this as grids are constructed based on their configurations in XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridComponentFactory class.

Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.decorator.GridDecorator:
Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridViewListener:
onActivate, onAllRowsReceived, onClose, onContainerHtmlRendered, onDeactivate, onHide, onMaximize, onMinimize, onOpen, onResize, onRestore, onRowStructureChanged, onScroll, onScrollComplete, onScrollHorizontal, onScrollVertical, onShow, onViewRedrawn, onVisibleRowCountChanged
Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridRowModelListener:
onAllDataReceived, onRowContentsChanged, onRowDataReceived, onRowDataRequested, onRowDataUnavailable, onRowModelStateChanged, onSizeChanged, onStartIndexChanged

Constructor Detail

caplin.grid.decorator.RowLoadingDecorator( mDecoratorConfig)

Constructs a caplin.grid.decorator.RowLoadingDecorator instance — end-users will never need to do this as grids are constructed based on their configurations in XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridComponentFactory class.

The use of imagePath as defined in gridDefinitions.xml is deprecated. The decorator now references a themed css class instead (.loadingRow)