

The FieldSortRule class allows simple, non custom, sorting by a given field-name, using standard comparator operators. Clients that have more specialized sorting requirements, can implement a custom client-side caplin.grid.sort.SortRule, and corresponding back-end Java code.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.sort.FieldSortRule(String sFieldName, String sSortType, boolean sSortOrder)

Constructs a caplin.grid.sort.FieldSortRule.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
String getFieldName()

Return the field name this sort rule is applied to.

String getSortOrder()

Return the order of the sort being applied.

String getSortType()

Return the type of sort that is being applied.

boolean needsSortType()

Indicates whether this sort rule requires a sort type.

void setSortType(String sSortType)

Sets the sort type.

Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.sort.SortRule:
getRttpState, getSerializedState

Constructor Detail

caplin.grid.sort.FieldSortRule(String sFieldName, String sSortType, boolean sSortOrder)

Constructs a caplin.grid.sort.FieldSortRule.

String sFieldName The name of the field that any data will sorted on.
String sSortType The name of the sort operand that will be used to perform the sorting.
boolean sSortOrder Whether the sort will be ascending or descending.

Method Detail

String getFieldName()

Return the field name this sort rule is applied to.

String getSortOrder()

Return the order of the sort being applied.

String getSortType()

Return the type of sort that is being applied.

boolean needsSortType()

Indicates whether this sort rule requires a sort type.

void setSortType(String sSortType)

Sets the sort type.

String sSortType The new sort type