

The interface for FilterExpressions that have various methods to allow the internal state of the object to be queried.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.filter.FilterExpressionAccessor clone()

Clones this instance of the LogicalFilterExpression

Array getFilterExpressions()

Returns a list of the filter expressions.

Number getNumberOfFilterExpressions()

Gets the number of logical filter expressions that have been placed inside the LogicalFilterExpression.

caplin.grid.filter.FilterExpressionAccessor.Operator getOperator()

Gets the operator for this LogicalFilterExpression

String toString()

Gets a text representation of the logical filter expression.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

caplin.grid.filter.FilterExpressionAccessor clone()

Clones this instance of the LogicalFilterExpression

{caplin.grid.filter.FilterExpressionAccessor} a new instance of a LogicalFilterExpression with exactly the same state.

Array getFilterExpressions()

Returns a list of the filter expressions.

The array returned by this method must not be added to or removed from directly — in the future, the array returned may instead be a copy of the internally held array. Instead, the methods on this class should be used to add filter expressions.

A list of caplin.grid.filter.FilterExpression items.

Number getNumberOfFilterExpressions()

Gets the number of logical filter expressions that have been placed inside the LogicalFilterExpression.

Number of Filter expressions added to date.

caplin.grid.filter.FilterExpressionAccessor.Operator getOperator()

Gets the operator for this LogicalFilterExpression

The operator for this LogicalFilterExpression

String toString()

Gets a text representation of the logical filter expression.

A text representation of the expression.