Deploying to Kubernetes

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This page provides guidance on deploying Discovery and Caplin Platform to Kubernetes. While the guidance is targetted at Kubernetes, similar principles apply to any container-orchestrated deployment platform.


This page assumes you have access to the following servers and tools:

  • A Kubernetes cluster

  • kubectl command

  • helm command

Your Caplin Platform components must meet the version requirements documented here: Requirements.


Discovery’s features make deployment to Kubernetes easier, and the guidance on this page assumes a full migration to Discovery’s licensing, peer discovery, and scalable data services.

Expect to make the following changes to all components configured for a traditional Caplin Platform deployment:

  • Removal of licence files (Liberator, Transformer, and the TREP Adapter only)

  • Removal of peer-thread-pool-size configuration (if present)

  • Removal of add-peer configuration

  • Addition of discovery-provide-service configuration (Transformer and adapters only)

  • Reconfiguration of add-data-service configuration (Liberator and Transformer only)

  • Addition of the following configuration items:

    • discovery-addr

    • discovery-cluster-name

  • Addition or amendment of the following configuration items:

    • datasrc-interface

    • datasrc-local-label

  • Enable Sockmon interface of Liberator and Transformer

  • Enable JMX interface of Java DataSources

Docker image design

There is a lot of flexibility here:

  • Create individual images for each component

  • Create a single master image containing all components and specify which component should run at the time of pod deployment.

How you answer this question may depend on how you currently deploy the Caplin Platform. If you configure components manually, then a clean separation of components into separate images may be attractive. If you use the Deployment Framework to manage configuration, then a single master image is more appropriate.

If you opt for the Deployment Framework option, deploy all components locally as if deploying to a single machine. Configure all components to run on localhost. Create a Docker image of this deployment, with a start script that runs a component specified in a command-line argument or an environment variable. The start script should run the component using the Deployment Framework’s dfw start-fg command, which runs a single component in the foreground with logging directed to STDOUT — ideal for container deployments:

$ ./dfw start-fg component

Regardless of which model you choose, we recommend that you treat the Docker image as a template, with the value of some DataSource configuration items set at time of deployment. Configure each component to initialise the following configuration items from container environment variables:

For example:

discovery-addr          ${ENV:DISCOVERY_ADDR}
discovery-cluster-name  ${ENV:DISCOVERY_CLUSTER_NAME}
datasrc-local-label     ${ENV:DATASRC_LOCAL_LABEL}
datasrc-interface       ${ENV:DATASRC_INTERFACE}

The various methods for setting these container environment variables are covered in the next section.

Kubernetes architecture

We recommend that you use Helm to create templates that you can customise at time of deployment.

Setting container environment variables

Two of the environment variables can be set automatically in the container specification using Kubernetes' Downward API:

      fieldPath: status.podIP



Error handling