Deploying tutorial components (quick-start)

This section aims to fast track all of the setup and configuration exercises, in the event this course is run in one day instead of two or that someone needs to catchup for some reason. We highly recommend that you take the time to at least read through the setup and recreate it, in your own time.

Prepare the environment

Install the Caplin Deployment Framework

Unzip the Deployment framework to a suitable folder.

unzip -qoa
If you are using Microsoft Windows, it is vital that you unzip using the unzip command under Cygwin. Do not unzip under Microsoft Windows as the file encoding can be incorrect and cause script errors.

Deploy core components

Copy the following release kits into the <dfw-root>/kits folder


  • Liberator-6.<version>-x86_64-pc-linux-EL5-gnu.tar.gz

  • Transformer-6.<version>-x86_64-pc-linux-EL5-gnu.tar.gz


  • Liberator-6.<version>

  • Transformer-6.<version>

To install these new components, run the command below from the root directory of your Deployment Framework:

./dfw deploy
It is bad practice to modify anything in the <dfw-root>/kits folder manually as these changes can be lost when upgrading.

Deployment Caplin Management Console

Copy the release kit for the Caplin Management Console (CMC), CaplinManagementConsole-<version>, to the <dfw-root>/kits folder.

Deploy the kit:

./dfw deploy

Enable the JMX interface on Liberator and Transformer:

./dfw activate LiberatorJMX
./dfw activate TransformerJMX

Create a CMC configuration file:

./dfw mon

Start the CMC:

./dfw cmc

Start all deployed components:

./dfw start

You should see the red boxes denoting Liberator and Transformer, turn blue in the CMC display indicating they are online.

In your browser navigate to http://localhost:18080 and a Liberator page should load, clicking on "Status" should display some config information and the connected peers (Transformer)

Deploy development licence for Liberator and Transformer

You might have noticed in the startup of Liberator a message stating "Evaluation. Will shutdown in 30 minutes" this is because we are using the default 30min licenses. To prevent shutdown after 30mins we need to install a Development license.

Copy new versions of the files license-rttp.conf and license-transformer.conf to the <dfw-root>/global_config/licenses folder.

Deploy integration adapters

Now the main components are working, we can install the trading, permission and pricing integration adaptors. Copy the following files into the kits folder:






Before we install the new Permissioning service we must disable the default OpenPermissioning service.

./dfw deactivate OpenPermissioning

Deploy all adapters:

./dfw deploy

Once the new integration adaptors have been deployed they need to be configured with the host name by running:

./dfw hosts PricingAdapter localhost
./dfw hosts TradingAdapter localhost
./dfw hosts PermissioningAdapter localhost

Start the Caplin Platform

Now everything installed and configured we can start up

./dfw start

There should be new boxes in CMC representing the three new integration adaptors. You will notice that the Trading DS will remain red. This is because it has not be able to connect to a backend pricing and trading system. We have supplied a mock trading backend that can be run using:

java -jar SimpleFXServer-supp.jar

The Trading peer should now connect to the backend and then connect to Liberator.

Test your installation

We have also supplied a very simple test application that can be used to interact with the system. To install it, some files need to be unzipped into the htdocs folder of Liberator. Unzip the contents of the file to the kits/Liberator/latest/htdocs folder.

The test application can be accessed using the url: http://localhost:18080/testpage

Normally the client application would be served from an application server like Tomcat and not from Liberator.