Subscribing to a JSON subject

The page provides an overview of how to subscribe to a subject of type JSON.


To use the JSON data type, your Caplin components and libraries must be at least as recent as the versions listed in the table below:

Product versions supporting the JSON data type
Product Minimum Version

C DataSource API


Java DataSource API


.NET DataSource API






StreamLink iOS


StreamLink Android


StreamLink Java


StreamLink JS


StreamLink .NET



To subscribe to a JSON subject using StreamLink JS, follow the steps below:

  1. Create one implementation of StreamLink’s JsonHandler interface to handle the realisation of JSON images and updates.

    Example 1: a JsonHandler that applies a patch to a previously realised image
    var jsonHandler = {
      parse: function (jsonString) {
        return JSON.parse(jsonString);
      patch: function (existingObject, jsonPatchString) {
        var patch = JSON.parse(jsonPatchString);
        return patch.reduce(jsonpatch.applyReducer, existingObject); (1)
      format: function () {}
    1 The jsonpatch object is from the fast-json-patch library
    Example 2: a JsonHandler that applies a patch by creating a new immutable state
    var jsonHandler = {
      parse: function (jsonString) {
        return JSON.parse(jsonString);
      patch: function (existingObject, jsonPatchString) {
        var patch = JSON.parse(jsonPatchString);
        var result = immer.produce(existingObject, function (existing) { (1)
          return patch.reduce(jsonpatch.applyReducer, existing); (2)
        return result;
      format: function () {}
    2 The immer object is provided by the immer library
    3 The jsonpatch object is provided by the fast-json-patch library
  2. Specify your implementation of JsonHandler as the json_handler property of the configuration object when creating the StreamLink object:

    var streamLink = caplin.streamlink.StreamLinkFactory.create({
      json_handler: jsonHandler
  3. Implement the onJsonUpdate method in your implementation of SubscriptionListener. The method receives an event object of type JsonEvent. The JsonEvent.getJson() method returns a reference to the realised or patched JSON.

    var subscriptionListener = {
      onJsonUpdate: function (subscription, event) {;
  4. Subscribe to the JSON subject and connect

    streamLink.subscribe("/EXAMPLES/JSON/AAPL", subscriptionListener);


The example below is adapted from the StreamLink JS examples that ship with Liberator. To view the example locally, activate your Liberator’s LiberatorWebsite and LiberatorDemoDataSource blades, and navigate to http://localhost:18080/docs/sljs/interactive/.

Code in the example that is specific to subscribing to JSON subjects is highlighted in yellow.

Example: subscribing to a JSON subject
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="//localhost:18080/sljs/streamlink.js"></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <link href="examplepage.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<body onunload="streamLink.disconnect();">
  <pre id="recordLog"></pre>
  <pre id="displayLog">Log:</pre>

    // Define how JSON messages are parsed and patched
    var jsonHandler = {
      parse: function (jsonString) {
        console.log("parse", jsonString);
        return JSON.parse(jsonString);
      patch: function (existingObject, jsonPatchString) {
        console.log("patch", jsonPatchString, existingObject);
        var patch = JSON.parse(jsonPatchString);
        var result = immer.produce(existingObject, function (existing) {
          return patch.reduce(jsonpatch.applyReducer, existing);
        console.log(jsonPatchString, JSON.stringify(result), null, "\t");
        return result;
      format: function () {}

    // Build the StreamLink object
    var streamLink = caplin.streamlink.StreamLinkFactory.create({
      username : "demouser",
      password : "demopass",
      liberator_urls: "rttp://localhost:18080",
      json_handler: jsonHandler

    // Define the subscription listener.
    var subscriptionListener = {
      onSubscriptionStatus: function (subscription, event) {
        log(subscription.getSubject() + " is now " + event.getStatus());
      onSubscriptionError: function (subscription, event) {
        log("Error: Subject " + subscription.getSubject() + " is " + event.getError());
      onJsonUpdate: function (subscription, event) {

    function render(json) {
      document.getElementById("recordLog").innerHTML =
        "Subject: " + subject + "<br/>" + JSON.stringify(json, null, "\t");

    function log(line) {
      document.getElementById("displayLog").innerHTML += "\n" + line;

    // Subscribe to the record
    var subject = "/EXAMPLES/JSON/AAPL";
    streamLink.subscribe(subject, subscriptionListener);

    // Connect

See also: