Adapter features
The RET Adapter Toolkit provides classes for creating six types of adapter.
Calendar adapter
The com.caplin.motif.fx.ret.calendar package provides a framework for creating calendar adapters with the following features:
Tenor- and holiday-aware trading calendar
Settlement dates
Support for broken dates
For an example implementation, see the examples/CalendarAdapter
directory in the RET Adapter Toolkit.
FX trading adapter
The com.caplin.motif.fx.ret.fxtrading package provides a framework for creating FX trading adapters with the following features:
Spot, forward, and swap trades
One-click trading with ESP tiles
RFS/RFQ trade tickets
Block trading support
Trading-on-behalf-of (TOBO) bank clients
Activity blotter that records trades made in the current session
For an example implementation, see the examples/FXTradingAdapter
directory in the RET Adapter Toolkit.
LBN adapter
The com.caplin.motif.fx.ret.lbn package provides a framework for creating LBN adapters with the following features:
Execute trades and order fills (1 day)
Historical trades and orders (configurable number of days)
Roll-over history data
Trading-on-behalf-of (TOBO) bank clients
For an example implementation, see the examples/LBNAdapter
directory in the RET Adapter Toolkit.
Limit order adapter
The com.caplin.motif.fx.ret.orders package provides a framework for creating limit-order adapters with the following features:
Simple orders:
Take Profit
Stop Loss
Complex orders:
If Done
One Cancels Other (OCO)
If Done OCO (take profit and stop loss)
Good for and good till
Edit orders
Order blotter
Alerts and notifications (SMS, email)
Activity blotter to record order changes and fills
For an example implementation, see the examples/LimitOrderAdapter
directory in the RET Adapter Toolkit.
Permissioning adapter
The com.caplin.motif.fx.ret.permissioning package provides a framework for creating permissioning adapters with the following features:
Integration points for an existing, external permissions service
Authentication and authorisation framework
For an example implementation, see the examples/PermissioningAdapter
directory in the RET Adapter Toolkit.
Pricing adapter
The com.caplin.motif.fx.ret.pricing package provides a framework for creating pricing adapters with the following features:
Streaming rates for FX and precious metals
Trading-on-behalf-of (TOBO) customers
For an example implementation, see the examples/PricingAdapter
directory in the RET Adapter Toolkit.