
You can monitor and manage the Caplin Platform using log files, Prometheus metrics, and the Caplin Management Console.

Prometheus metrics

Functions: monitoring

Available from: DataSource for C 7.1.16+ (Liberator 7.1.15+, Transformer 7.1.10+, TREP Adapter 7.1.3+), DataSource for Java 7.1.14+

All Caplin Platform components can publish metrics in the Prometheus text-based exposition format on a configured HTTP port (prometheus-port).


  • Enable the Prometheus exposition interface on each component. For instructions, see Configure DataSource Prometheus monitoring.

  • Configure the firewall on each component’s host to allow incoming traffic to the component’s prometheus port (prometheus-port).

  • Install a Prometheus server to consume and store the metrics published by Caplin Platform components

  • Install a server to visualise data consumed by the Prometheus server, such as Grafana.

For a full list of metrics published by DataSource applications, see the links below:

Caplin Management Console

Functions: monitoring, management

The Caplin Management Console (CMC) is a Java desktop application that provides monitoring and management functionality in Caplin Platform deployments.

CMC Detail Screen Liberator 2

CMC connects over a Java RMI connection to Java Management Extensions (JMX) monitoring beans (MBeans) in Caplin Platform components.

The JMX interface of Caplin Platform components is a JSR 160 JMX Remote API that can be accessed by other JMX clients, such as JConsole, at the following JMX service URL:



JMX attributes and operations

The two tables below highlight some of the JMX attributes and operations available in the CMC.

Metrics and operations supported by all DataSource components
Area JMX Attributes JMX Operations


Information related to the running process, such as CPU and memory usage, process id, and uptime.


Details of the current license


Access to log messages written to various log files

Control of logging levels and log file cycling.


Information about configured and connected DataSource peers. Statistics for all messages sent and received.

The ability to connect to peers and disconnect from them. The ability to fail-over to alternative peers.

Additional metrics and operations supported by Liberator
Area JMX Attributes JMX Operations


Aggregated information about total number of sessions, objects, data throughput, and so on; and information about any configured clusters.


Information about all connected users and their sessions, including latency and object subscription details

Ability to eject and revalidate users and cancel subscriptions.


Details about all objects in the system: their type, stale status, update times, subscription counts, and so on; and details of which sessions are viewing each object.

For the full list of JMX attributes and operations supported by C DataSources, see the links below: