Charting: add-fieldset examples

This page provides three examples of the Charting blade’s add-fieldset configuration item.

For information on the values used in the configuration examples, see Intraday Parameter Codes and Values.

Equity (Building block) / Cash (Instrument type)

# Equity cash instrument
    recordtype 113

    # last price fields
    add-field      OPEN_PRC              10       <<          TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      HST_CLOSE             10        =          TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      HIGH_1                10        >          TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      LOW_1                 10        <          TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      TRDVOL_1              10       +%          TRDVOL_1        TRDPRC_1

    # bid price fields
    add-field      BID_OPEN_PRC          10       <<          BID BID
    add-field      BID_HST_CLOSE         10       =           BID BID
    add-field      BID_HIGH_1            10       >           BID BID
    add-field      BID_LOW_1             10       <           BID BID
    add-field      BID_TRDVOL_1          10       +%          TRDVOL_1          BID

    # ask price fields
    add-field      ASK_OPEN_PRC          10       <<          ASK ASK
    add-field      ASK_HST_CLOSE         10       =           ASK ASK
    add-field      ASK_HIGH_1            10       >           ASK ASK
    add-field      ASK_LOW_1             10       <           ASK ASK
    add-field      ASK_TRDVOL_1          10      +%           TRDVOL_1          ASK

    # level-1 fields
    cache-field    PROD_PERM
    cache-field    DSPLY_NAME

    rules          "$TRDPRC_1 0 ="   # filter 0 price updates
    rules          "$BID 0 ="        # filter 0 price updates
    rules          "$ASK 0 ="        # filter 0 price updates
    rules          "$TRDPRC_1 $TRDPRC_2 $TRDPRC_3 $TRDPRC_4 $TRDPRC_5 + + + 4 / / 1 - ~ 0.4 }"  # filter >= 40% (four period moving average)
    rules          "$BID $BID_1 $BID_2 + 2 / / 1 - ~ 0.4 }"  # filter >= 40% (two period moving average)
    rules          "$ASK $ASK_1 $ASK_2 + 2 / / 1 - ~ 0.4 }"  # filter >= 40% (two period moving average)


Equity (Building block) / Market statistics (Instrument type)

# Equity/Market stats
    recordtype 117

    # last price fields
    add-field      OPEN_PRC              10       <<          TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      HST_CLOSE             10       =           TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      HIGH_1                10       >           TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      LOW_1                 10       <           TRDPRC_1        TRDPRC_1
    add-field      TRDVOL_1              10      +%           TRDVOL_1        TRDPRC_1

    # level-1 fields
    cache-field    PROD_PERM
    cache-field    DSPLY_NAME

    rules          "$TRDPRC_1 0 =" # filter 0 price updates
    rules          "$TRDPRC_1 $TRDPRC_2 $TRDPRC_3 $TRDPRC_4 $TRDPRC_5 + + + 4 / / 1 - ~ 0.4 }" # filter >= 40% (four period moving average)

Equity (Building block) / Market Indices (Instrument type)

# Equity Market indices
    recordtype 118
    # last price fields
    add-field      OPEN_PRC              10      <<            TRDPRC_1       TRDPRC_1
    add-field      HST_CLOSE             10       =            TRDPRC_1       TRDPRC_1
    add-field      HIGH_1                10       >            TRDPRC_1       TRDPRC_1
    add-field      LOW_1                 10       <            TRDPRC_1       TRDPRC_1
    add-field      TRDVOL_1              10      +%            TRDVOL_1       TRDPRC_1

    # level-1 fields
    cache-field    PROD_PERM
    cache-field    DSPLY_NAME
    rules          "$TRDPRC_1 0 =" # filter 0 price updates
    rules          "$TRDPRC_1 $TRDPRC_2 $TRDPRC_3 $TRDPRC_4 $TRDPRC_5 + + + 4 / / 1 - ~ 0.4 }" # filter >= 40% (four period moving average)

Validating instrument values in RPN or in Lua

Validation rules determine whether a fieldset caches a instrument update. Rules can be defined using Reverse Polish notation (RPN) expressions or a Transformer pipeline function (Lua or JavaScript).

This section looks at the rules below and contrasts their implementation in RPN and in Lua:

  • Rule one: reject an update for a fieldset if the value of the TRADPRC_1 field is zero

  • Rule two: reject an update for a fieldset if the value of the TRADPRC_1 field is different from the four-period moving average by 40% or more

Do not define both RPN rules (rules) and a Transformer pipeline function (pipeline-file and pipeline-func) in the same add-fieldset stanza.

Validating using RPN expressions

To define a validation rule for a fieldset in Reverse Polish notation (RPN), write the RPN expression in a rules option. If the expression evaluates to a non-zero value, then the update for the fieldset will not be cached.

Define one RPN expression per rules option. Add as many rules options as you need.

Rule one: to reject an update for a fieldset if the value of the TRADPRC_1 field is zero, add the following rules option to the fieldset’s add-fieldset configuration item:

rules "$TRDPRC_1 0 ="

Rule two: to reject an update for a fieldset if the value of the TRADPRC_1 field is different from the four-period moving average by 40% or more, add the following rules option to the fieldset’s add-fieldset configuration item. The moving average is calculated from last four cached values for the field, which are held in fields TRDPRC_2, TRDPRC_3, TRDPRC_4, and TRDPRC_5.

rules "$TRDPRC_1 $TRDPRC_2 $TRDPRC_3 $TRDPRC_4 $TRDPRC_5 + + + 4 / / 1 - ~ 0.4 }"

Validating using a Lua function

To define one or more validation rules in Lua for a fieldset, follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a Lua script with a single function in the global_overrides/ChartingService/Transformer/etc/pipeline directory of your Deployment Framework.

  2. Add the following options to the fieldset’s add-fieldset configuration item. The example below assumes the name of the Lua script file is validate.js and the name of the Lua function is validate:

    pipeline-file   validate.lua
    pipeline-func   validate

The content of the Lua script validate.lua is quoted in full below, with comments highlighting the code for rule one and rule two:


function initialise()
    log.log(log.INFO,"Normalisation initialisation happening\n")

-- Apply these RPN rules to an update
--   Rule 1 filter 0 price updates
--   Rule 2 filter >= 40% (four period moving average)
-- param update - Current update
-- param cache - Last update
-- retval 0 - Rules passed or can't be applied
-- retval 1 - Rule failed
function validate(update, cache)

    local trdprc1 = update:getfield("TRDPRC_1")
    if trdprc1 == nil then
        return 0

    -- Rule 1: reject the update if TRDPRC_1 is zero
    -- RPN equivalent: "$TRDPRC_1 0 ="
    if tonumber(trdprc1) == 0 then
        return 1

    local trdprc2 = update:getfield("TRDPRC_2")
    if trdprc2 == nil then
        return 0
    local trdprc3 = update:getfield("TRDPRC_3")
    if trdprc3 == nil then
        return 0
    local trdprc4 = update:getfield("TRDPRC_4")
    if trdprc4 == nil then
        return 0
    local trdprc5 = update:getfield("TRDPRC_5")
    if trdprc5 == nil then
        return 0

    -- Rule 2: reject the update if the difference between TRDPRC_1 and
    --         the four-period moving average is 40% or greater.
    -- RPN equivalent: "$TRDPRC_1 $TRDPRC_2 $TRDPRC_3 $TRDPRC_4 $TRDPRC_5 + + + 4 / / 1 - ~ 0.4 }"
    local moving_average = math.abs( ( trdprc1 / ( (trdprc2 + trdprc3 + trdprc4 + trdprc5 ) / 4 ) ) - 1 )
    if  moving_average >= 0.4 then
        return 1

    return 0