Upgrading to Caplin Platform 8

This page provides guidance on upgrading an existing Caplin Platform deployment to Caplin Platform 8.


Liberator 8 is compatible with StreamLink 8 and 7.

Caplin Platform 8 components are compatible with Caplin Platform 7 components, with the following caveat: Caplin Platform 8’s Dynamic Fields feature is incompatible with Platform 7 components. In a mixed Platform 7/8 deployment, disable Dynamic Fields on all Platform 8 components:

Disabling a Platform 8 component’s support for Dynamic Fields
datasrc-local-flags nofields

When all components in your deployment have been upgraded to Platform 8, you can re-enable Dynamic Fields.

Deprecated configuration in Caplin Platform 8

The following configuration items have been deprecated in this release:

Upgrading components to Platform 8

If you use the Caplin Deployment Framework, create a new deployment based on Caplin Deployment Framework 8. If you have custom local configuration in your Deployment Framework’s global_config/overrides, we recommend that you merge it manually to the new deployment.

Staged upgrades

If you are staging your upgrade, we recommend that you update components in this order:

  1. Server side:

    1. Liberator and Transformer

    2. Adapters

  2. Client side:

    1. StreamLink

    2. KeyMaster token issuer (for example, a sign-on servlet for Caplin FX Professional)

When deploying each Caplin Platform 8 component, disable its support for Dynamic fields:

Disabling a Platform 8 component’s support for Dynamic Fields
datasrc-local-flags nofields

When all components have been upgraded to Caplin Platform 8, re-enable Dynamic Fields in all components.

Upgrading your own adapters

Upgrade your adapters' Caplin Java DataSource dependency to 8.0.+ and recompile.

Java DataSource 8 is available as a 'fat jar' containing all required dependencies from the Caplin Download page, or as a 'thin jar' from Caplin’s Maven repository, repository.caplin.com. Both locations require authentication with Caplin account credentials.

Gradle dependency
implementation group: 'com.caplin.platform.integration.java', name: 'datasource', version: '8.0.+'


When all components have been updated to Caplin Platform 8, read Migrating to dynamic features for a guide on implementing new features in Caplin Platform 8.

See also: