Creating user accounts in development

This page describes how to create user accounts for Caplin FX Corporate when it is installed on a development machine and not integrated into an enterprise authentication system.


User authentication in FX Corporate is managed by Caplin KeyMaster, a Java Servlet hosted securely on the Java application server that serves FX Corporate. The KeyMaster servlet issues authentication tokens recognised by Caplin Liberator.

On a production Java application server, access to the KeyMaster servlet is authenticated by your bank’s authentication systems, which connects to a production user directory and, possibly, a two-factor authentication server.

On a development Java application server, hosted locally on a developer’s machine, access to a development version of your bank’s authentication infrastructure may not be available. To provide flexibility for developers, Caplin KeyMaster allows user credentials to be configured manually.

Configuring user credentials manually

Follow the steps below:

  1. If you have not already done so, deploy the FX Corporate WAR to your local Java application server.

  2. Edit the KeyMaster file. This file contains a list of user credentials and access roles.

    The path to the file in an Apache Tomcat deployment is <tomcat_root>/webapps/corporatetrader/WEB-INF/cfg/keymaster/

  3. Add new users to the file, one per line, using the following format: <username>: <password>,<role>. For example, bob: letmein,user

    Each user must be recognised by the backend trading system that serves your development machine or they will not be able to log in to FX Corporate.
  4. Save the file

  5. Restart Apache Tomcat

See also: